Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Module Five

Course Reflection

EDTECH 504 was a very rewarding experience for me.  Not only did I learn about theories of learning and how educational technology plays into those theories, I especially learned how humanism and technology can be used in the classroom to complement each other.  Each and every day,  we think about and discuss with peers why students do what they do. When it comes right down to it, people do what they do because they are humans, and the relationships we have with others determines how we are going to behave.  If our relationships are positive, we are most likely going to be positive.  The same is true about negativity.  Our kids come from all different places, some from wonderfully supportive places and others from places I don't even like to think about, but one this is true, those kids come to us with the expectation that we are going to provide the best education possible.  Technology, when implemented correctly with thought, research, and proper planning can help all of our students get to a place where they are on equal ground. 
My teaching practice has only been strengthened with respect to the fact that students need to feel a certain way before they can learn to their fullest potential.  I say fullest potential because I feel that is crucial to the humanistic learning theory.  I've been a more compassionate teacher since the beginning of this course, and have been working very hard to address how technology plays into that.  For example, my students and I enjoy using technology based quiz games for review.  I realize now how important those games are, not just because they support content, but because they support student need of esteem and belonging.  Many other technology based activities can fulfill the hierarchy of needs as well such as immediate feedback on digital assignments or working collaboratively on projects to name a few. I plan to evaluate every use of technology in my classroom on a humanistic level.  It's crucial that we evaluate what we are doing because our students are counting on us. 
There are three assignments in which I felt had the biggest impact on me.  First, reading the text.  While I don't feel the text was quite at my level (it was way, did I say way, over my head at times), I also felt challenged.  After reading the text, we needed to discuss our interpretation of the readings which I found very difficult.  Next, I really enjoyed writing the annotated bibliography and learning theories paper.  Reading and researching is beginning to excite me.  I had to write an annotated bibliography as well for EDTECH501, which was the first time I've done that since my undergraduate degree fifteen years ago.  It was a struggle then, but this time I had the confidence I needed to write it well.  I thoroughly enjoyed working with my peers to edit our rough drafts.  While the feedback that I received wasn't very detailed, I edited a paper with a great deal of detail.  It was awesome to work collaboratively on a Google doc with her, we were literally working simultaneously.  She typed her thoughts, and I fixed the grammar, looked for any obvious APA mistakes, and gave suggestions when she needed.  This collaborative effort was good for both of us. 
All in all, this course (actually this semester), has been extremely rewarding for me. 

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