Friday, July 4, 2014

Ed Tech 502 Projects

Ed Tech Project List
Plain html website
This plain html website is my first official webpage that I have ever created using html.  Although it looks simple, it was very challenging.

HTML with external CSS(cascading style sheets)
This website is my first official webpage that I have ever created using html and css styles.  It was also very challenging because it was my first time using css (cascading style sheets)

Netiquette: Internet Etiquette
My third webpage incorporated everything I have learned thus far about html and css, except this time I added an "aside".  An aside is a box, with contents, that can "float" on the page.  My page focused on internet etiquette with a learner audience of middle/high school students.

Accessibility: Helping learning disabled students
My next webpage added external links.  The content of my webpage focused on helping students with specific learning disabilities to access the internet and technology tools to help them in the classroom.

Scavenger Hunt: Plagiarism on the Internet
Next, my skills expanded to create not only a webpage, but external pages as well.  I created a scavenger hunt with a focus of plagiarism.  I also created a student worksheet and answer key that were linked to my webpage.  I also learned how to embed a video from You tube into my webpage.

Interactive Concept Map: Stress Management for Teens
My next webpage consisted of skills I already have in addition to creating images in Fireworks and imbedding those images into the html code. I found this webpage to be the most challenging, but also the most rewarding because I feel like I've added a lot more of my own style to the page.

Jigsaw Internet Search Activity: Physical, Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Health
This webpage expanded on current skills with the addition of using a table.  The table was created using a table generator.  I found this webpage to be one of the easier pages because we were able to use a template then paste the code into our webpage.

EdTech Home Page
This website was easy and fun to do.  I initially wasted an entire day looking for and trying to figure out how to use CSS templates found on the web.  Then, I gave up using one of those and decided to use a CSS template found right in Dreamweaver.  Once I did that, I was able to finish the webpage quite easily.  I really like my webpage because the header signifies my love of the natural world.  I also like it because it is simple in design and easy to follow.

M-learning: All about Food Labels
This webpage was extremely frustrating.  Not only did I need to create a webpage for a desktop computer, but I also needed to make sure that webpage looks nice on a tabled and a mobile device.  It was three times the work but rewarding to know how to create mobile learning activities.

Virtual Field Trip: A virtual tour of the body systems
WOW, what an adventure.  I hope my students have a much fun completing the activities as I did making them.  I spent hour upon hour creating this multiple page webpage.  First, I started with my main webpage, then created 9 other webpages that went along with the start page.

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