Friday, July 4, 2014

Using RSS in Education

RSS in Education

Rss is an easy way for people to acquire information without wasting time researching for it.  Simply, RSS brings valuable, up-to-date information to the users, instead of the user laboriously researching for it.  RSS feeds are specific websites chosen by the reader, and contain information important to the user.  RSS also sends updates to the users account regarding changed or new content on the websites.
News Aggregator:  an application that collects websites of specific content and categorically displays them for the user.  Feedly is an example of a news aggregator that brings information together and shares it with subscribers.  
Setting up a Feedly account:  Go to the Feedly website:  Once the account is set up, the fun begins as the user chooses which feeds they would like to subscribe to.
This screenshot shows an example of how to search for feeds.  In the box, type what you are interested in.

A drop down box will appear.  Simply choose which feeds you would like to subscribe to.

Organizing feeds is also very easy.  Once you choose the feeds you want, click on +feedly.  From here you can create a new category or check an existing category to organize. 

Here are examples of feeds I have chosen and organized.

It's that easy!

This is a fun screenshot I created using Thinglink, an application found on the educational technology feed.
Use your pointer to explore the screenshot.

Uses of Feedly

The Classroom
In the classroom, I plan on using feedly to organize class content related to my subject areas of earth science and health.  Feedly will be incredibly helpful in finding current events for my earth science or health classroom.  My students love to discuss new and exciting information. With Feedly, I can easily go to my favorite earth science or health feeds and inform my students of daily information regarding those subject areas.  An earth science feed that I subscribed to contains maps of various places.  I plan on projecting the map image onto the interactive smart board in my classroom, to use as a teaching tool.  I will also have students come to the map and label specific information that we are covering in class.  Feedly will be an invaluable tool to inspire new thinking, and gain ideas to incorporate technology into my classroom.
I also feel that my students will benefit from Feedly. They could easily categorize feeds that are important to them.  In addition, they could have a category for class.  I could send the students reminders, updates, or announcements through Feedly. 

Professional Development
Feedly will also help with professional development.  Feedly would be an excellent tool to facilitate professional learning communities among staff members.  It will also save time for me, considering I will not have to search for the latest information about a topic.  When choosing my feeds, I found numerous websites that have tech tools for teachers listed.  I will share this information with other teachers to expand their knowledge of technology tools for the classroom.  Feedly will be incredibly helpful with regard to the latest updates in education.  

Personal Use
Two categories that I have created for personal use are cooking and Christianity.  Even though I have tons of cookbooks, sometimes it is easier to look online for a recipe.  It is also really important for me to maintain a strong spiritual connection in life.  It is easy to see that feedly will be a powerful tool in and outside of the classroom.

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